En nombre de todo el equipo que forma parte del colegio Centro Educativo México, les doy la más cordial bienvenida. Buscar la escuela adecuada para nuestros hijos no es tarea fácil, existen un gran número de opciones y es responsabilidad de los padres elegir al colegio que mejor se adapte a la familia y a los niños. Una escuela, debe encajar con los valores de la familia y con los objetivos que los padres de familia se han planteado para el futuro de sus hijos.
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Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant examcollection : Download 100% Free Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant practice questions (PDF and VCE)
Exam Number : Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Killexams.com is the ultimate preparation resource for passing the Salesforce Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant exam. They carefully compile and practice their Mock Questions and Study Guides, which are regularly updated to match the frequency of the real Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant test and reviewed by industry experts. They have gathered Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant Study Guides by contacting numerous test takers who passed their Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant exams with excellent marks. These Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant Exam Questions are stored in a database that is available to registered members. They are not just practice questions but genuine Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant q
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Exam Specification: Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Education Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Not specified
Exam Duration: Not specified
Passing Score: Not specified
Exam Format: Multiple-choice, multiple-answer
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to Education Cloud
- Understanding the role of the Education Cloud Consultant
- Overview of the Education Cloud solution and its capabilities
- Exploring the unique requirements and challenges in the education industry
2. Education Cloud Implementation and Configuration
- Understanding the implementation process of Education Cloud
- Configuring Education Cloud objects, fields, and relationships
- Setting up data models to support student, faculty, and course management
3. Enrollment and Admissions Management
- Configuring admission processes and managing application data
- Setting up enrollment and registration processes for students
- Implementing waitlisting and managing enrollment limits
4. Student and Faculty Management
- Designing student profiles and managing student records
- Implementing faculty profiles and managing faculty information
- Enabling student and faculty communication and collaboration
5. Course Management and Scheduling
- Setting up course catalogs and managing course offerings
- Implementing course scheduling and registration processes
- Managing course resources and materials
6. Academic Monitoring and Progress Tracking
- Implementing academic programs and degree tracking
- Configuring academic milestones and progress tracking mechanisms
- Monitoring student academic performance and generating reports
7. Integration and Data Management
- Integrating Education Cloud with external systems and data sources
- Managing data migration and data integration processes
- Ensuring data security and privacy compliance
8. Reporting and Analytics
- Designing and creating custom reports and dashboards
- Analyzing student and academic data for insights and decision-making
- Implementing data visualization tools for stakeholders
Exam Objectives:
1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant.
2. Configure and customize Education Cloud to meet specific education industry requirements.
3. Implement enrollment and admissions management processes.
4. Manage student and faculty information effectively.
5. Set up and manage course catalogs, scheduling, and resources.
6. Implement academic monitoring and progress tracking mechanisms.
7. Integrate Education Cloud with external systems and manage data migration.
8. Design and create reports and analytics to track student and academic performance.
Exam Syllabus:
Section 1: Introduction to Education Cloud (10%)
- Role and responsibilities of a Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant
- Overview of Education Cloud and its capabilities
- Understanding the unique requirements and challenges in the education industry
Section 2: Education Cloud Implementation and Configuration (15%)
- Implementation process for Education Cloud
- Configuration of Education Cloud objects, fields, and relationships
- Data modeling for student, faculty, and course management
Section 3: Enrollment and Admissions Management (15%)
- Configuration of admission processes and management of application data
- Enrollment and registration processes for students
- Waitlisting and managing enrollment limits
Section 4: Student and Faculty Management (15%)
- Designing student profiles and managing student records
- Implementation of faculty profiles and management of faculty information
- Enabling student and faculty communication and collaboration
Section 5: Course Management and Scheduling (15%)
- Setting up course catalogs and managing course offerings
- Course scheduling and registration processes
- Management of course resources and materials
Section 6: Academic Monitoring and Progress Tracking (15%)
- Implementation of academic programs and degree tracking
- Configuration of academic milestones and progress tracking mechanisms
- Monitoring student academic performance and generating reports
Section 7: Integration and Data Management (10%)
- Integration of Education Cloud with external systems and data sources
- Data migration and data integration processes
- Ensuring data security and privacy compliance
Section 8: Reporting and Analytics (15%)
- Designing and creating custom reports and dashboards
- Analysis of student and academic data for insights and decision-making
- Implementation of data visualization tools for stakeholders
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