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IAPP IAPP-CIPT : Certified Information Privacy Technologist Practice Tests

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Exam Number : IAPP-CIPT
Exam Name : Certified Information Privacy Technologist
Vendor Name : IAPP
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Exact copy of IAPP-CIPT Latest Topics are here to download
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In summary, provides the latest and valid IAPP IAPP-CIPT Test Prep to help you pass the Certified Information Privacy Technologist test and enhance your professional status. Their Test Prep is top-rated and has been trusted by their customers for the last two years. You can prepare for the IAPP IAPP-CIPT test with ease using their Study Guide and VCE test simulator, and their free IAPP-CIPT Mock Exam will supply you a taste of their quality. Their Test Prep is available in two formats, IAPP-CIPT PDF file, and IAPP-CIPT VCE test simulator, and they have a high pass rate of 98.9%. If you want to achieve success in the IAPP-CIPT test on your first attempt, enroll now in the IAPP IAPP-CIPT genuine test at

IAPP-CIPT test Format | IAPP-CIPT Course Contents | IAPP-CIPT Course Outline | IAPP-CIPT test Syllabus | IAPP-CIPT test Objectives

Understand critical privacy concepts and practices that impact IT
Become familiar with consumer privacy expectations and responsibility
Bake privacy into early stages of IT products and services for cost control, accuracy and speed-to-market
Establish privacy practices for data collection and transfer
Pre-empt privacy issues in the Internet of Things
Factor privacy into data classification and emerging tech such as cloud computing, facial recognition and surveillance
Communicate privacy issues with partners such as management, development, marketing and legal.

CIPT Training Course Outline
MODULE 1: Fundamentals of Information Privacy
Unit 1: Common Principles and Approaches to Privacy

Discussion of the modern history of privacy, an introduction to types of information, an overview of information risk management and a summary of modern privacy principles.
Unit 2: Jurisdiction and Industries
Introduction to the major privacy models employed around the globe and provides an overview of privacy and data protection regulation by jurisdictions and industry sectors.
Unit 3: Information Security: Safeguarding Personal Information
Introductions to information security, including definitions, elements, standards and threats/vulnerabilities, as well as introductions to information security management and governance, including frameworks, controls, cryptography and identity and access management (IAM).
Unit 4: Online Privacy: Using Personal Information on Websites and with Other Internet-related Technologies
Examines the web as a platform, as well as privacy considerations for sensitive online information, including policies and notices, access, security, authentication and data collection.
Examine additional courses include childrens online privacy, email, searches, online marketing and advertising, social media, online assurance, cloud computing and mobile devices.
MODULE 2: Privacy in Technology
Unit 1: Understanding the Need for Privacy in the IT Environment

Explore the impact that regulatory activities, security threats, advances in technology and the increasing proliferation of social networks have on IT departments.
Unit 2: Core Privacy Concepts
Uncover how privacy compliance becomes more attainable through developing information lifecycle plans, data identification and classification systems and data flow diagrams.
Unit 3: Regulations and Standards Impacting Privacy in IT
Understand privacy laws, regulations and standards that can help IT professionals design better privacy programs and systems to handle personal information throughout the data lifecycle.
Unit 4: Privacy in Systems and Applications
Develop an understanding of the risks inherent in the IT environment and how to address them.
Unit 5: Online Privacy Issues
Learn about online threats, threat prevention and the role of IT professionals in ensuring proper handling of user data.
Unit 6: De-identifying and Anonymizing Personally Identifiable Information
Understand the importance of personally identifiable information and methods for ensuring its protection.
Unit 7: Cloud Computing
Evaluates privacy and security concerns associated with cloud services, and standards that exist to advise on their use.

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IAPP Privacy Practice Test


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